Classical Curriculum with Waldorf Approach

This year I’m doing something crazy. We’re going to do Classical Conversations but do it Waldorf style. This would horrify both camps, I’m pretty sure, but I don’t care. It’s my house so I get to do whatever I want! You can research what exactly both are later if you don’t know, but I thought I’d share what we’re doing as a way to inspire those who like the CC content, but would like it to be more about understanding as opposed to memory work.

Beauty as opposed to right answers. Still with the Christ-focus (as opposed to fairies and gnomes) but lovely and colorful and creative.

The main thing I’m going to post here is our main lesson book page. Each child has a main lesson book. The preschooler doesn’t need one because his main job is to play and learn, but he has one anyway so he can do something if he wants.

Pre Week 1 – These were our very first pages. They weren’t tied to any of the CC material.
9 year old – read The Sword in the Tree (medieval times)

7 year old read Betsy-Tacy ( great book) a few weeks ago and made this page.

3 year old – I tried to give him crayons but realized there may be a better medium. But anyway, here’s what he did and he was happy with it, so that’s great.


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