Fall = Slow and Routine
I thought it might be interesting to those starting out to see what the rhythm of a homeschooling year looks like in our family. And even if you have been homeschooling a while, it might be interesting. I always enjoy seeing what other families’ routines are like.
During the fall (end of August, Sept, Oct, early Nov) we are trying to get into a routine that works for this season.
What we do:
- Try to stay on our schedule
- Get used to going to bed/getting up consistent times (Mom included)
- Work on training in chores
- Play outside at home after school is done
- Try to get a good start on schoolwork for year, stay up with lesson plans.
What we don’t do:
- Go to the library almost at all (because the new books throw off my plans)
- Go on any unplanned field trips
- Any other projects other than school or basics.
No home improvement. No organizing extravaganzas. No trips to Washington D.C. (My husband actually went last week, and I thought about taking the kids, but travel like that takes a huge amount of time and energy and I just wasn’t up for it.) - I don’t go to the YMCA much during this time.
So far this fall, school is eating my lunch. I find it is taking a lot more time this year. The Classical Conversations class (Essentials) means more writing homework for my son, and my son and daughter both have a tiny bit of co-op homework now. Even my three-year-old is in Awana Cubbies now, so he has his little verse to memorize–very cute, but one more thing to squeeze in.
I’m yearning to slow life down. It’s been too busy for too long. I’ve said no to some writing opportunities. I won’t be an exciting blogger with a big readership, because it requires too much time at the computer. I’m okay with that.
I want slower, calmer days at home this year: doing laundry, learning together with my children, reading together under the tree in the backyard.
How about you? What does your fall look like? Are you trying to slow down?
I am trying to become more organized this year. I am fighting a losing battle, it seems. But I am trying anyways! I want to get to the point where my oldest can know where to start on that particular day’s work even if I am not down there to guide her. I am tackling 1 subject at a time to get it organized like that and making out daily lesson plans for Monday-Thursday as I go along. I have given up on Fridays because we have a homeschool co-op that day and then everyone has lunch at a local park afterwards and that is usually all we get done on Fridays. I am planning on having those ‘new’ books from the library available for free reading time on Friday afternoons though.
Micah, good for you! I think that organization does help so much when I can plan ahead. One thing I’ve done to help my kids know exactly what they need to do is I did a checklist in Word, you may already have done that, but that helps my son tremendously. He really focuses, knowing when he’s done with his checklist he’s free! It still does mean on Monday I have to get all that week’s work on his clipboard though, so there’s still some work each week for me. Your Fridays sound like the most perfect kind.
Here’s the link to my Word checklists if that’s helpful: http://www.thehomeschoolexperiment.com/2012/07/homeschool-planning/
My days are a bit scattered now, just trying to find our rhythm. I am schooling 4 littles and trying to get used to it all. So many books to read and so little time. I just want to enjoy these kiddos and the beautiful weather and food that Fall has to offer. My plan is to pray often and let the learning come.
I know, always so many good books, aren’t there? And the fall weather beckons. What a good plan you have-pray often and let the learning come. Lovely.
I like your checklist idea a lot–I’m going to consider implementing that, especially as my kids get older (currently 5, 3, and 2, so we are casually homeschooling for Kinder and pre-K).
Our Fall has actually been quite busy with a couple of vacations and several rounds of house guests. I would normally feel inclined to say no to all of these things, but they’re all “special” (family visiting from overseas, a free week-long stay at a beach house because of generous friends, etc.). I’m sure this won’t be the rhythm of Fall for our family in the future, but for now I’m glad we schooled through most of the Summer. It absolves me of my guilt for neglecting diligently schooling this Fall.
Thank you! Our fall somehow usually looks like yours – lots of busyness. Good for you for getting some of the way this summer! Enjoy your time with your houseguests!
We started off great with a terrific rhythm. Unlike you, I planned a lot for this season! While we have so much fun doing our field trips and activities, we all miss the comfort of our rhythm. I am hoping that November will bring cooler weather and the wasy going weeks we had in August and September.
Me too; I find I’m so much more content to stay home and cuddle by the fire when cold weather hits. Thanks for stopping by Sharon!